We Live the Creed

Monday, April 25, 2016

This line of our creed is one of my favorites. Though it is fairly self-explanatory, it has an immense meaning. This line is a something that I try to hold myself to everyday because I know that to be a good Zeta lady and the kind of woman I want to be, I must always do what is right, tell the truth, and do what is good for the chapter as a whole without thinking twice about it.

Telling the truth isn’t always the easiest thing but it is always the right thing. I have been put in many situations throughout my lifetime to where I had to tell someone something that wasn’t easy to say but after telling them I felt so much better. Being in Zeta I know that no matter what I say or do my sisters will always be there for me because we share that special bond of sisterhood that can’t be broken. I have also learned from being on Programs Council this semester that as a leader of our chapter I will have to make some tough decisions but if I keep the well being of our chapter at heart and do what I know is best for the future of ZTA then those tough choices will be worth it in the end.

The right choice might not always be clear. Being good and true takes work, even for the best of people. I love being a part of this organization because together, we all strive for greatness and to be true to ourselves and those around us. We hold each other to a higher standard and help each other be the best versions of ourselves.

Marlyssa, Apparel Chairman

We Live the Creed

Monday, April 18, 2016

Being a member of Zeta Tau Alpha bears the responsibility of being an example to our fellow sisters, as well as the community at large. For me personally, being a Zeta means that you should always strive to better not only yourself, but those around you, regardless of whether or not they are Greek. Through the hectic weeks we need to remind ourselves that we, as Zetas, hold ourselves to a higher standard; to me that standard includes setting an example for those around us, taking charge when needed, and showing compassion.

Our open motto is also a great example of this particular line: "Seek the Noblest", which to me means that we should always do our best to build friendships with those whom we know will always be there for us no matter the circumstances, as well as hold each other accountable for our actions in and outside of our organization. Our organization is not just made up of individuals; when we are all together, we are representing something far greater than ourselves and this means that we must live our lives the way that our founding members intended us to: always doing what is best, not only what is easiest.

Caitlin Bellet, PC Fall ‘15

We Live the Creed

Monday, April 11, 2016

Our Zeta journeys begin at such an important time in all of our lives. These college years are the ones where we are supposed to “grow up” and figure out who we want to be in the world and having such a beautiful creed to live by has helped me so much. Knowing that your best friend since day 1 might be a world-renowned entrepreneur, your Big will get married to the man of her dreams, and the girl in your pledge class is going to study all across Europe is such an inspiring environment to be in.

This line of the creed reminds me that no matter the success, it is important to remember where you came from and how you started out. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the plans of the future while sitting at chapter meetings or late nights at Whataburger, but knowing that no matter what happens in the next 10 years the girl sitting across from you with a handful of fries is one of your best friends and an unconditional source of support. College can make you or break you and Zeta Tau Alpha is making me into someone the woman I always aspired to be.

Sophia Jackson, PC Fall '15

We Live the Creed

Monday, April 4, 2016

To me, this line from our creed means that even in the darkest of times there is always some light that can be found in the world. As we all experience our own ups and downs these words help my sisters and I to see the joy and beauty in the world around us. This line reminds us to find happiness in the small and simple things of life while we celebrate our joys together, even the small ones. From getting A’s on tests to celebrating new jobs and engagements, we all look for the beauty that life offers in our day to day lives.  

During my time in Zeta I have made everlasting friendships that will last far beyond my college years and that have truly molded who I am now. These wonderful women that I call my sisters have made my experience in Zeta more beautiful that I could ever actually express in words and I am so thankful to them for that. There is no greater beauty than the love I have for my sisters.

Alice Grey Welsh, Panhellenic Delegate