We Live the Creed

Monday, April 25, 2016

This line of our creed is one of my favorites. Though it is fairly self-explanatory, it has an immense meaning. This line is a something that I try to hold myself to everyday because I know that to be a good Zeta lady and the kind of woman I want to be, I must always do what is right, tell the truth, and do what is good for the chapter as a whole without thinking twice about it.

Telling the truth isn’t always the easiest thing but it is always the right thing. I have been put in many situations throughout my lifetime to where I had to tell someone something that wasn’t easy to say but after telling them I felt so much better. Being in Zeta I know that no matter what I say or do my sisters will always be there for me because we share that special bond of sisterhood that can’t be broken. I have also learned from being on Programs Council this semester that as a leader of our chapter I will have to make some tough decisions but if I keep the well being of our chapter at heart and do what I know is best for the future of ZTA then those tough choices will be worth it in the end.

The right choice might not always be clear. Being good and true takes work, even for the best of people. I love being a part of this organization because together, we all strive for greatness and to be true to ourselves and those around us. We hold each other to a higher standard and help each other be the best versions of ourselves.

Marlyssa, Apparel Chairman

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