We Live the Creed

Monday, May 2, 2016

In 1898, our founders gave us the greatest gift we could have asked for. They created this organization that has, in just three years, already changed my life so much. As I look back at my time in Zeta so far I realize just how much my sisters have impacted me. I came to UNT and didn’t know anyone and wasn’t super comfortable in my own skin but I found this group of women who has built me up and encouraged me to do things I never imagined I could do. My sisters have been there for the ups, the downs, and the in-betweens, and they have loved me unconditionally. They have seen greatness in me even when I could not see it for myself and they have never given up on me. It is easy to find people who will be there for you during the good times but finding a support system who will stick through the bad times is what counts most.

I have one year left as a collegiate member of Zeta Tau Alpha and I can’t believe my time is almost up. Because of my sisters I am growing to the be woman I always wished I could become and am driven to take on things I never would have had the guts to do without their encouragement. Our chapter has grown together so much and I am so proud to call these women my sisters and call this chapter my home. I think that when we feel loved and have others to love, we are capable of amazing things and can say from experience that this chapter is built on the love that our founders envisioned for our members over 100 years ago. Our creed gives us so many beautiful tenets to live by but it truly all comes down to love, the greatest of all things.

Mary Campbell Jones Batte, Historian

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