
Sunday, February 7, 2016

                  Pink Out games are a special event we like to share with the UNT community and especially the athletics department. To kick off our philanthropy events this semester, we got to pink out the super pit for a Pink Out basketball and there was a great turn out! Our chapter's Think Pink Committee did an amazing job on preparing everything and making last minute shopping hauls, banners, posters, and spreading the excitement for this first pink event of the semester. Our sisters and UNT supporters came to the game decked out in pink and ready to cheer on our men’s basketball team! We got to meet so many UNT fans, alumni, and even coaches who wanted to help support our cause and spread breast cancer education and awareness with us.

Passing out ribbons and spreading the pink love around is always an amazing experience. At every event that I have gone to and passed out ribbons at, at least one person always has gone out of their way to ask if they can have a ribbon because their life has been touched by breast cancer in some way. It truly shows how breast cancer has affected the world today and how big of a difference one person, and especially an organization, can make.

One special thing we decided to add to our philanthropy events this semester is a “Who do you fight for banner?” where anyone can write a name of someone who has been touched by breast cancer. After just this one Think Pink event, our banner is already filling up and it warms my heart to see that our chapter can help spread awareness to so many. 

I am so excited about the semester ahead of us and what philanthropic awesomeness it will bring! This Pink Out was just the beginning and it will only get better from here!

Christi Witten – Director of Philanthropy

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