We Live the Creed

Monday, March 7, 2016

It is perfect that this week’s creed line matches up with National Ritual Celebration Week. Both are reminders to us of who we are and the founding principles of our chapter. As sorority women, we are bound together by each ritual throughout the year that creates the core of our values. The secrets we hold within each ritual have their own meanings, purposes, and takeaways that remind us of the ideals that drew us to this amazing chapter. 

Much like our rituals, this line of the creed reminds us to find satisfaction in our selves alone and in those principles that are the glue of Zeta Tau Alpha. As each day goes by we are met challenges but we must always return back to who we are and not let the world around us change us for the worse. We must stay strong in our conviction to be honest with our sisters and ourselves rather than trying to be something or someone we are not. Each and every sister in my chapter was chosen because they are who they are and because the members before us recognized something special in each woman. Instead of trying to change ourselves, we must look to the ideals of Zeta and strengthen who we are to make our sisterhood and ourselves stronger.

Emily Hannah, Treasurer

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